The application of ubiquitous and context awareness-based smart automation and control technologies have been widespread as ever even in the fields of image, sound, lighting, and awning and in the HAVC equipment industry, given their ability to enable remote control and remote monitoring anytime and anywhere. With customer requirements becoming more sophisticated and complex in line with the convergence and complexity of automation, the security and safety equipment industry, and IT technologies, total system operation and maintenance and repair costs are on the rise as well.
Out Company has accumulated original technologies and different site technologies through its projects in connection with AV equipment automation, smart homes and smart buildings for housing, commercial facilities, and buildings in Korea and other countries for many years. Using our accumulated know-how in advanced technology, we have provided network-based sensors, touch panels, smart network controllers, multiextenders, and various user software and centrally integrated management software products.
We at out Company aim to become a company that can personally contribute to the growth of our customers through our products and solutions that only provide 100% satisfaction despite the varying requirements per customer, such as efficient job performance and energy saving, through continuous research and development in the areas related to home and building in the future.