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RF to I/O Extener - IOE100AD

IOE100AD is a RF extender transmitting and receiving the control cords of RS232 and I/O at 2.4GHz with the integrated controller and controlling instruments connected with the RF extender group. Through setting up the integrated controller, it can send signals to 5 I/O ports and 1 RS232. And by setting up addresses separately, it can do control with the use of each serial port. It provides 16 channels to prevent frequency jamming and can identify 256 IDs.

Features of IOE100AD

Control Port : 5 I/O Ports, 1 RS232 Port

Port type : Plug-in Terminal Block

CH & ID : Addressable 16 CH, 256 ID

Frequency :2.4GHz

Coverage : About 100meters

Power : 12V/1.5A SMPS DC Adapter

Dimension (mm) : 152.3x93.2x28 (WxDxH)

Weight(g) : 205

Case Color : White / Black

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