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About HR

Vina Outsource, a Dallas Texas company, provides remote staffing services from Vietnam at the highest standards. With over 20 years of experience in the recruiting and staffing industry in the US, the founders started Vina Outsource to tap into an underutilized resource rich workforce. Today, Vina Outsource is a leader in connecting dedicated remote staff in Vietnam to businesses overseas of all industries.

Vina Outsource provides first class working environment along with the best available technology and equipment to ensure your staff is able to perform at the highest standards. Being located in Ho Chi Minh City allows us to draw on the most educated labor market that reflects in more articulate interactions all around. We constantly monitor the local wage scales and are committed to always offering the most competitive wage in order to bring in quality employees.

Our mission is to connect you with exceptional remote staff who will work for you for many years, helping you grow your business.

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